Students taking art classes review the following set of classroom procedures durring the first week of school. In addition they are given a condensed version to take home to share with their parents.
The 3 Most Important Things in Art Class
1. Yourself, your work, and your ideas.
2. Others, their work, and their ideas,
including your teacher Mr. Capps.
3. No put-downs, bullying, or harassment.
1. Be kind to yourself.
2. Be kind to others.
3. Be helpful.
1. Keep your attitude positive.
Preparing for class
1. Read the Do Now board and answer the journaling prompt.
Tardy policy
1.You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat getting ready to do the “Do Now” of the day when the
bell rings.
1. Seating is assigned.
2. You can get out of your seat to sharpen pencils, use sink, get materials, etc.
(not to visit with friends).
1. Backpacks belong under the tables (where they will not be tripped on).
Signal for attention
1. A call for attention by Mr. Capps.
2. When you hear the signal, stop what you are doing, look up at Mr. Capps and listen.
Instruction and Discussion-Your Responsibilities
1. Listen during instruction.
2. Participate.
Use of Class Time
1. Use it well (it goes by fast).
Noise Levels
1. Silence.
2. Low Level talking.
1. Provided by Mr. Capps.
2. Personal music devices are not allowed.
Leaving the room
1. To leave the room, you need:
a. Permission.
b. Signed agenda.
Phone use
1. Students may use a phone on occasion for school related business:
a. Students must use a school phone (not a cell phone).
b. With permission.
c. You must leave a message if no one is available when you call.
Food and Gum
1. TBD
2. Plain bottled water is allowed.
Off Limits Without Permission
1. Mr. Capps’ Desk.
2. Other peoples work and bins.
3. Cabinets with supplies (except for construction paper).
4. The kiln and supply rooms.
Tables and Stools
1. Don’t stand or rock on them and keep your feet outside the ring of the stool.
1. Scissors, rulers and glue at the front of the room.
2. Take care of them.
3. Absolutely no throwing.
4. Return them to the front of the room when done using them, not in your cubby.
Sketchbooks/Journals and Unfinished Projects
1. Keep them in your cubby.
When You’re Finished with a Project:
1. Fill out a grade sheet.
a. Make sure you grade yourself in each section.
b. Answer all questions completely (this is part of your final score).
c. Title your work.
2. Clip grading sheet to your work.
3. Put project in appropriate assignment bin.
(Make sure your name and period number are on both the rubric and your artwork).
When you have time to spare:
1.Work quietly on drawings.
1. You are responsible for making up lost class time.
a. Ask for missed assignments.
b. Copy “Do Nows” questions from others at your table.
1. Put away materials where they belong.
2. Make sure you put materials away neatly.
Clean-up---Everyday Responsibilities
1. Check chart in the middle of your table for your job.
2. If you don’t do your job you will receive a lunch detention.
a. Sink (2 people are assigned to sink duty).
1) Clean up any objects left in sink.
2) Wipe off countertops around sink.
3) Put brushes brush side up in container.
4) Straighten supplies around sink.
5) Hang rags over the sides of sink when done.
b. Floor and Table
1) Clean around and under table.
2) Wipe off table with damp rag.
3) Dry table with a paper towel.
c. Materials and Table
1) Straighten out supplies in your tables basket.
2) Clean out any garbage in your basket.
3) Put markers in can.
4) Help wash and dry table.
Recycling is encouraged with the following exceptions,
please do not recycle:
1) Tissue 4) Cardboard
2) Paper bags 5) Paper towels
3) Construction paper 6) Paper with wet paint.
1. The room must be clean and students in their seats before dismissal will occur.
1. Stay seated until the bell rings.
2. Wait for Mr. Capps to dismiss you.
Do Now Journaling Assignments
1. Based on:
a. Using complete sentences.
b. Thoroughly answering the prompts.
2. Possible daily points = 2.
Project Grades
1. Based on:
a. How well you followed the criteria.
b. The inclusion of a completed self assessment.
2. Possible points for this category vary depending on the amount of time
spent on each project.
1. Pre-assessment are given a small set amount of points for participation/completion.
pre-assessments show what a student knows at the beginning of a unit before
2. Summative assessments are worth a normal assignment and are graded.
Summative assessments show what a student knows at the end of a unit after
instruction. when viewed with the pre-assessment one can see the growth
achieved through undertaking the work of the unit.
Students will be sent home with the following art room contract to review with their parents so that they know what the art room expectations are. They are asked to have them signed and returned.
Art Room
Expectations Contract
- I
will maintain a good attitude, be polite, respectful, courteous, and use
manners in the art room.
- I
will be in the classroom and in the process of getting my supplies ready
before the bell rings.
- I
will listen when announcements, directions, instructions, and
demonstrations are being offered.
- I
will ask for clarification if confused or unsure about what is being
discussed or assigned.
- I
will keep my conversation limited to quiet, considerate and appropriate
discussion at my own table.
- I
will be kind and considerate to others and respectful of them and their
- I
will not be disruptive or rowdy in the art room.
- I
will not shake, flick, spray, throw, etc. art materials, or pretend to do
so in this class.
- I
will not rock, tilt, or stand on stools or put my feet inside the stool’s
ring because it is dangerous to do so.
- I will stay in my assigned seat unless I need to get a
supply, have to turn in an assignment, or need to talk to the teacher.
- I will practice safe and slow movement when out of my
- I will use the art supplies responsibly, taking care
not to waste, or abuse the materials being provided.
- I will take care of the art room furniture, props,
tools, and equipment.
- I
will clean up and return my cubby, tools, and supplies when done using
them at the end of class.
- I
will thoroughly clean up any mess left as a result of my work and help my
classmates clean the art room.
- I will treat my art work and ideas and other student’s
art work and ideas with respect and care.
- I
will use my time wisely/efficiently, and help others stay on task.
- I
will use my best craftsmanship on all of my assignments.
- I will finish and turn in all my assigned work (I know that even if it is late, it
will still receive full credit).
- I will work on my assignments at home or after school
on Mondays and/or Wednesdays if I need/want extra time to complete an
- I will ask for help when I need it and offer to assist
those who need and can utilize my help when it is appropriate.
I am aware that:
When minor violations of the expectations of the art room occur, a verbal
reminder of what is expected may be offered. For more serious and/or repeated
violations, a “think time” may be given and parents will be contacted by phone
or email. If problematic behavior continues, or is severe in nature, Parents
will also be contacted and school discipline policies will be followed.