Our Staff

Contact information and teacher pages can be found in the SSD Directory

Principal: Kristen Lunt - [email protected] 
Assistant Principal: Zane Laughbon Olmsted - [email protected]

Custodial & Maintenance
Josiah Bushy - Head Custodian
Nick Dorgan
Robert Galvin

Office Staff
Registrar/Office Coord: Kimberly Bushy - [email protected]
Attendance: Tennille Bixby - [email protected]

Counselor (A-K): Sharon Schubert - [email protected]
Counselor (L-Z): Samuel Swenson - [email protected]
Campus Security: Sauni Holt - [email protected]
School Resource Officer: Daniel Martinez - [email protected] 

Para Educators
Pam Armstrong
Arnold Black

Darian Dolan
Timothy Kistle
Eliza McLellan

Beth McMinn
Donna Mecham
Grace Tolberd
Melinda Wickert

Kate Ross: Librarian, [email protected]

Kyla Adolphe: Health Services - [email protected]
Sonja Bittner: District Nurse - [email protected]

Ardis Mangano: Health Services - [email protected]

Florin Baros - [email protected]
Craig Brooks - [email protected]
Josh Capps - [email protected]
Jason Chadick - [email protected]
Madelyn Chicoine - [email protected]
Cherise Feser - [email protected]
Caleb Gentry - [email protected]
Greg Glasser - [email protected]
Kirsten Grove - [email protected]
Onna Gullickson - [email protected]
Allison Hastings - [email protected]
Heidi Hough - [email protected]

Bill Koenig - [email protected]
Joe Landoni - [email protected]
Casey Lewis - [email protected]
Danielle MacDonald - [email protected]
Dylan Macri - [email protected]
Kara Mao - [email protected]
Josh McCoy - jmccoy@sequimschools.org
Kelli Mishko - kmishko@sequimschools.org
Michaela Moritz - mmoritz@sequimschools.org
Christin Newton - cnewton@sequimschools.org
Jodi Olson - jolson@sequimschools.org
Shannon Paselk - spaselk@sequimschools.org
Mollie Plocher - mplocher@sequimschools.org
George Rodes - grodes@sequimschools.org
Konstantin Semerikov - ksemerikov@sequimschools.org
Steve Smith - srsmith@sequimschools.org
Sara Turner - sturner@sequimschools.org
Melissa Withrow - mwithrow@sequimschools.org